Taking bookings for ‘Safer Internet Day’

Our Bigfooters, all members of the WFA (World Friendship Alliance), are starting to prepare for Safer Internet Day 2025!

Each year our range of inspiring and creative programmes –performances, assemblies, workshops and even films – broadens, helping to ensure that all children can benefit from our programmes and this important work. This year we were excited to once again offer KS2 the chance to take part in our Big Experience Caught Up In The Net, which enables whole year groups to work together to explore key cyber safety themes, in the most enjoyable and creative way, whilst KS1 can learn all about how to keep cyber smart with Boo!

In all our programmes, Bigfoot’s World Friendship Ambassadors support pupils to consider how we should treat others, and how we should expect to be treated ourselves, online. We reflect on what positive online behaviour looks like, as well as how to deal with negative attitudes. We also explore online safety and the concept of cyber bullying by using our accessible workshops as a vehicle for safely exploring serious issue facing young people today.

We have been so thrilled in the past with the feedback we have received from schools in response to our programmes. We really do appreciate teachers and staff taking the time to let us know how their pupils have responded, and it helps us enormously to ensure that all our programmes are as beneficial and impactful as possible:

‘Caught Up In The Net contained all the relevant learning and key objectives in easy to digest skits and via informative slides. High energy, fun and funky but not distracting away form key learning- outstanding!’ (Shirehampton Primary, February 2024)

Read more about our Internet Safety programmes HERE and CONTACT US if you you would like to enquire about us visiting your school in 2025.