Bigfoot are happy to support ‘’ by sharing with you their comprehensive parental guide to having difficult conversations with your children about drugs and alcohol.
CLICK HERE to read their ‘Parents guide’
The aim is to prevent addiction through preventative education…
“ is a web resource provided and funded by Advanced Recovery Systems. Since 2015, the website has provided researched, fact-based resources for free where readers can learn about risks of various substances, the latest approaches to treatment and real stories of recovery on
As a parent, you are one of the biggest influences on your child’s decision to try alcohol or other drugs. There are several effective ways to discourage your child from trying addictive substances, and you can be the biggest source of support if your child needs help recovering from addiction.”
Alcohol addiction is a serious and increasing problem in current society. Although each and everyone has their individual habits and vices, some find it more difficult than others to stop habits that are detrimental. Therefore, a key resource for alcohol detox and stopping drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic can be found HERE