An Amazing Anti Bullying Week 2024!

As proud members of the Anti Bullying Alliance, our Bigfooters had a wonderfully busy Anti Bullying Week, helping children across the country to ‘Choose Respect’.

Each year our range of inspiring and creative programmes –performances, assemblies, workshops and even films – broadens, helping to ensure that all children can benefit from our programmes and this important work. We were excited to once again visit the many schools who use Bigfoot programmes every year to launch their Anti Bullying Week activities, and we were especially thrilled to work in several schools for the first time.

Our Big Experience What Would You Do! programme was especially popular this year, enabling whole year groups to explore key anti bullying themes together, and KS1 classes benefited from an updated It’s Good To Be Me! storytelling workshop.

In all our programmes, Bigfoot’s World Friendship Ambassadors supported pupils to consider how we should treat others and how we should expect to be treated ourselves. We reflected on what positive relationships look like, as well as how to deal with negative attitudes and behaviour and how to disagree respectfully. We also explored online safety and the concept of online bullying by using our accessible workshops as a vehicle for safely exploring serious issue facing young people today.

We have been so thrilled with the feedback we have received from schools in response to our various programmes this year. We really do appreciate teachers and staff taking the time to let us know how their pupils have responded, and it helps us enormously to ensure that all our programmes are as beneficial and impactful as possible. Here are just a few of our favourite comments:

The Big Experience; What Would You Do?

It was really good and really powerful. They were so engaged…They’ve still been talking about it today. It was heavy hitting but I think that’s what they needed! (The Vineyard School)


The Anti-bullying workshop provides appropriate ways to deal with and understand bullying from different perspectives. It puts the children in safe situations where they can think critically about how they can support their friends of seek support from the correct people! (Saint Mary and Saint Pancras Primary School)

It’s Good To Be Me!

Great mix of fun and important knowledge. Children were engaged and enthusiastic throughout. (Wendell Park Primary School)

The Story Tree Stories; I Wish I Could

The children had their imaginations well and truly sparked! (Oaklands Primary School)

Read some more feedback about each programme HERE

Finally, we’d like to say the most enormous THANK YOU to all the brilliant Bigfooters across the country who work so hard to bring this important work into schools. They all work with such dedication and enthusiasm – we are incredibly proud of them all! Our Anti Bullying programmes are available all year round. CONTACT US if you would like to discuss how we can work with you school.