This term we were proud to launch our new Anti Racism workshop, which has been specially researched and designed by our Senior Educator Adrian Benn. The programme provides KS2 pupils with a safe forum to explore how important it is for us all to be more than just ‘not racist’. 

During the 60 minute workshop pupils explore their views and understanding of race and racism, recognising what it means to be anti racist, considering how to respond to racist bullying and behaviour and discussing how to have difficult conversations with their peers and adults.  

We have been delighted to have visited 14 schools with this workshop in the initial phase of the programme, and we have been overwhelmed with the feedback that we have received from pupils have staff. Schools have told us how important this programme is and how empowering and relatable the content is in encouraging the children to have difficult conversations.  

This workshop supports pupils to: 

  • Understand and discuss key terminology and recognise the importance of language
  • Explore their views around race and racism
  • Acknowledge their rights and responsibilities
  • Identify different forms of racism
  • Recognise what it means to be anti-racist, why learning about it is important and how it can help us
  • Consider how to respond to racist bullying and behaviour
  • Know how to actively take steps to challenge racism and work towards equity and equality
  • Identify the links between racism and wellbeing
  • Have difficult conversations with their peers and adults and know how to speak out as active citizens regarding issues around racism 

Read detailed feedback HERE 

This programme is proving very popular for next year, and we are currently working on a special version for KS1 pupils in the summer term. More in the next newsletter!  


Contact us to discuss how we could deliver these workshops in your school.