What really happened to the 3 Little Pigs?! Everybody thinks they know this age old story already, but has anyone ever stopped to hear what the Wolf has to say about what happened? Is he really as big and bad as they say? Or is it all just a case of porky pies?
This March, in celebration of ‘World Book Day’ you are invited for ‘Jury Service’ for the trial of Alexander T Wolf. Meet Judge Chief as she unpicks the evidence with some help from the police, CCTV footage, as well as the three little piggies themselves. Hear straight from the horse’s (well, the Wolf’s!) mouth, his version of events, before you are left to decide; is he guilty or not guilty?!
Come and explore with us ‘The True Story of the Three Little Pigs’, a highly imaginative and universally acclaimed book by Jon Scieszka, the first person ever awarded the ‘US National Ambassador for Young People Literature’. By completely re-imagining the age old classic tale, our Bigfooters will delight your students throughout this fun fuelled literary adventure!
To find out more about ‘Wolf On Trial’, as well as all our other exciting workshops and shows for book days and weeks, please CLICK HERE.