We love that we are all unique in how we live, learn, look, sound, communicate and play! But do we all understand how best to support one another so that we can not only achieve more but, moreover, thrive?

Bigfoot’s brand new ‘Diversity & Me’ workshop has been designed in collaboration with young people and seeks to provide children with a forum in which to talk honestly and opening about what diversity and inclusion means to them; what is the difference between equality and equity? How do ensure we respond to everyone’s individual needs? What differences exist with our school community? And, most importantly, what can we all do to support one other more effectively?

A real celebration of everyone’s differences, as well as an opportunity to challenge prejudice and champion the power of tolerance, acceptance and kindness!


What Schools say about our ‘Diversity & Me’ programme:

Amazing! Our Bigfooter was engaging, enthusiastic and could build upon children’s prior knowledge to deepen their understanding of the topic focus. There was a great mixture of talking, sharing and active listening as well as group work and drama to really embed the theme of the workshop. It definitely deepened their understanding of Diversity and Inclusion and gave very practical ways for children to make links with what was being delivered. Would definitely recommend! (Catherine Thompson, SENCO, Walnut Tree Walk, October 2024)