Our educators are here to help your whole school become part of the Bigfoot creative learning experience. With so much on offer, there really is no excuse for not embracing creativity on an ongoing, yet affordable, basis in your school this year!
Download our BIGFOOT PERFORM flier for more information
Download our CREATIVE RESIDENCY flier for more information
Singing, Acting, Dancing, Playing and transforming children’s lives every week through the Performing Arts…
Bigfoot Perform is a series of bespoke weekly performing arts sessions that takes place in school time as part of a creative enrichment programme to help raise achievement across the school. The programme aims to develop and extend children’s oracy skills by increasing confidence in speaking, listening, discussion and performance techniques, whilst also expanding their vocabulary, expressive language and creative writing skills.
Bigfoot Perform is designed in 6 week blocks, but we are flexible! You can also bolt on performing arts based breakfast clubs or after school provision, in addition to twilight teacher inset sessions exploring how to use drama based learning in the classroom.
To find out more about ‘Bigfoot Perform’, please complete our ONLINE ENQUIRY FORM
From covering teacher’s PPA time and assisting with small and large group topic work, to helping teachers create school plays and exciting assemblies…
We will plan and deliver weekly class based lessons, as well as lunch time or after school clubs, that will explore specific themes and topics being explored by each class. And all delivered by one of our skilled Bigfooters using a variety of drama exercises and techniques!
Our Bigfooters can deliver ALL of the following as part of their residency in your school:
- Whole class teacher cover
- Small group workshops with SEN, EAL, FSM, or Gifted & Talented students
- School assemblies
- Breakfast, lunchtime or after school club
To find out more about ‘Creative Residencies’, please complete our ONLINE ENQUIRY FORM
Watch our PPA cover in action!