PSHCE; Primary

Bigfoot’s range of PSHE theatre performances and drama workshops tackle topical issues such as Internet safety, Anti- Bullying, Knife Crime, Refugees, Diversity & Inclusion, British Values, Transition and Gender Stereotypes, in an engaging yet sensitive way.

We know and understand how important it is that your children have access to high quality PSHCE learning experiences, whatever your current situation. Therefore, we have worked hard to ensure that we have a variety of delivery options- assemblies, workshops and films- all designed to suit each schools specific requirements.

Click here to read all about ‘Why your school should book a Bigfoot PSHE Programme’.

To find out more about our range of ‘PRIMARY PSHCE’ programmes, along with costs, please visit the relevant enquiry form below:

Think Simple, Act BIG!

Assembly & Workshops for KS1 & KS2

Download our THINK SIMPLE, ACT BIG flier for more information

Little Amal has become a global symbol of hope and Bigfoot’s World Friendship Ambassadors are delighted to be part of sharing the story of this incredible 12 foot puppet of a ten year old Syrian refugee, with schools across the UK. Her experience creatively demonstrates how simple acts of kindness and welcome can make a big difference to those who find themselves displaced during this, the world’s biggest refugee crisis.


Assemblies & Workshops (EYFS, KS1 & KS2)

Download our INTERNET SAFETY FLIER for more information.

Our range of film, assembly and workshop programmes enable children, young people and their families to work together to explore how to create a better internet for the future. With a strong focus on being kind and respectful to others, as well as exploring how to protect their online presence and seek out positive opportunities and experiences, these programmes are the perfect forum in which to engage, discuss, and educate each other about the internet.


Assemblies & Workshops (EYFS, KS1 & KS2)

Download our ANTI BULLYING FLIER for more information.

Bigfoot’s interactive anti bullying programmes for EYFS, KS1 and KS2, aim to encourage children to respect themselves and each other at school, in their homes, in the community, and online. This year we are proud to support the Anti-Bullying Alliance in order to help spread the message that we all need to be aware and vocal about supporting each other and showing respect.


Assemblies & Workshops (Reception, Year 2 & Year 6)

Download our TRANSITION 2024 for more information.

Preparing for and managing transition can often be a challenging experience: What might it be like? How will I make new friends? Will I be able to cope with the change? Join Bigfoot to explore and, above all, enjoy the transition creatively in an inclusive, safe, friendly and fun environment!

Knife Crime

Assembly & Workshops (KS2 Only)

Download our KNIFE CRIME FLIER for more information

This programme provides schools with a safe and creative opportunity to introduce sensitive issues with their students and is an excellent starting point for future conversations about choices and consequences. Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon and discuss key issues throughout, working together to explore the various choices Gabriel, the main protagonist, has to make. The assembly includes spoken word, brilliant character illustrations and voiceovers, making the piece fully immersive.



British Values and UNCRC

Assembly & Workshops (KS1 & KS2)

Download our BRITISH VALUES & UNCRC flier for more information

We are delighted to offer schools a creative opportunity to introduce young people to both British Values and the UNC Rights of the Child (RRS) which many schools encounter through exploring Unicef’s Rights Respecting Schools Award. By participating in fun drama activities, students will be encouraged to discuss these challenging matters together, whilst also learning about why the UNCRC and British Values are seen as important steps towards providing a happier free existence for all.

Gender Stereotypes

Assembly & Workshops (KS1 & KS2)

Download our GENDER STEREOTYPES flier for more information

Our inspiring gender stereotypes programme explores with students their uniqueness and that they should be proud of who they are, whether they are a boy or a girl. They can do and become anything they want to be if they just put their mind to it; gender doesn’t define you! The workshops will focus on individual potential, challenging stereotypes and how we can educate others about gender stereotyping.