Summer of Wellbeing

Bigfoot are excited to announce that Summer Term 2023 has been declared the ‘Summer of Wellbeing’!! So what does this mean?

Well we have carefully collated an incredible offer of workshops, assemblies and storytelling sessions that are all designed to support children’s wellbeing. We want to ensure that this summer our young people have the opportunity to creatively interact and sensitively connect with one another and the world in which they live.


Created to coincide with a term packed full of National celebrations and UK wide events, our programmes are ideal for schools eager to help their students connect with important issues in a fun and creative way! Perfect for Arts Week, Enrichment Days, Post SAT’s treats or as an end of term celebration, our ‘Summer of Wellbeing’ programme menu is the essential ingredient needed to inspire your  students to get up, get active and start talking together this summer!

For more information about what programmes are available in your region, costs, as well as to make an enquiry, please click below: