We take great pride in knowing that each and every one of our Bigfooters is an exceptional educator and talented individual. However, once per term we like to select a single facilitator to focus on and tell you a little bit more about…generally if they’ve gone above and beyond for us and the schools in which they work!
Therefore, this term, please congratulate CRISTAL COLE (London), ROSIE MALEY (North East), JANE ALLANACH (Yorkshire), ALEX WOLFE (The South) for being crowned our ‘Facilitators of the term'; well done guys! Want to see why they are our ‘Autumn Term All Rounders’? Read on…
This term we would like to nominate a wonderful new Educator, Cristal Cole! Cristal only completed her training with us in September and by October had taken on a leading role in this year’s Black History Month tour, playing the part of ‘Grace’ in ‘All Aboard’ and wowing students and staff with every performance and workshop. During rehearsals and whilst delivering the work, Cristal has shown both initiative and strength of character and we have been so impressed with her raw talent and dedication to this programme. Cristal threw herself into the work without even having a chance to really get to know us and we would like to acknowledge just how much we appreciate her hard work and fantastic ‘can do’ attitude – she has been an absolute pleasure to work with from day one. Thank you Cristal!
Rosie patiently waited for a year before she could complete the selection and induction process. What we love about her is that she has the most impressive can-do attitude. Despite being a Bigfoot newbie, she is already delivering a Creative Residency, After School Clubs, Anti-bullying, AND Bespoke work. She is so keen to learn and is a fantastic communicator. Go Rosie!
Jane completed the Bigfoot induction this summer after waiting over a year since being selected as she attended her interview the week before we locked down. Jane has thrown herself into opportunities and has delivered The Worry Wizard as well as Anti-bullying programmes and received great feedback. Her kind and friendly approach are just perfect for Bigfoot and we are over the moon to have her in our team!
We have chosen Alex Wolfe as our educator of the term as she has shown great dedication, care and inventiveness in her work with us over the past couple of months. Alex has led our after-school club at Western Road Primary in Lewes for KS1, bringing lots of creative ideas for this age group. She also took on aSafer Internet assembly and workshops at very short notice showing a great flair for leading classes through creative exercises and discussions about sensitive subjects.