We take great pride in knowing that each and every one of our facilitators is an exceptional educator and talented individual. However, once per term we like to select a single facilitator to focus on and tell you a little bit more about…generally if they’ve gone above and beyond for us and the schools in which they work!
Therefore, this term, please congratulate MAT EMMS-HOBBINS (North), TAYLA EVANS (South), SARAH-LOUISE DE SILVA (Wales) & CRISTAL COLE (London) for being crowned our ‘Educators of the term’; well done everyone! Want to see why they are our Autumn Super Stars? Read on…
North East – Mat Emms-Hobbins
Mat has been supporting Rachel in writing and developing this years Dip and Dab performance as well as assisting the London actors with their rehearsals. Mat will be performing in the North East tour this month also. In addition he has been going into numerous schools this Anti Bullying Week offering our Reach Out film-making programme and producing some fabulous edited pieces as a result. Escomb Primary in Durham said ‘Delighted with the film! So professional and inclusive.’ Well done Mat!
Wales – Sarah-Louise De Silva
Sarah has worked with us since we started in 2006. She is a multi-talented artist that can lend her hand to absolutely anything. She has delivered almost every programme to schools across the country and we are very grateful to still have her working for us at Bigfoot Wales. Sarah has a lovely energy about her and the children absolutely love her. Sarah is extremely passionate about mental health and well-being and we cannot wait for her to deliver our Worry Wizard programmes next year!
Bigfoot South – Tayla Evans
Tayla Evans is our Educator of the term having taken on a Creative Residency at Front Lawn School in Havant as well as appearing across Sussex and Hampshire as The Clumsiest Christmas Elf! Tayla is working so hard for Bigfoot South at the moment we are delighted to celebrate her achievements – well done Tayla!
London – Cristal Cole
We are delighted to announce that Cristal is London’s Educator of the term! Cristal has had a super busy Bigfoot term, from entertaining and educating children across the city as Grace in All Aboard the Empire Windush for Black History Month, to delivering impactful Respect workshops for Anti Bullying Week. We can always rely on Cristal to give children the best creative experiences and we hugely appreciate her flexibility to change plans at the last minute with her constant positivity and professionalism! Thank you Cristal, and well done for a brilliant Autumn term!